For the last few weeks we have been doing
the Student Blogging Challenge 2013. This is Challenge 8.
We were asked to write about on Ten Favourite Things.
You can read more about it here: Student Blogging Challenge – No. 8
1. Our Favourite Thing to do in school is to sing and make music.

Photo Credit: Bùi Linh Ngân via Compfight
2nd Class Room 6 are a class who really love to sing and make music.
It was something Teacher noticed almost immediately
when she came to teach the class in September.
We love all the singing we do when we are learning in class.
We sing our tables.
We learn Irish through song.
We sing hymns.
We enjoy singing traditional songs and pop songs.
But we often find ourselves singing at other times too.
We will do practicing our handwriting and someone will start to hum.
Someone will join in and then someone else.
And before we know it the whole class is singing.

Photo Credit: Andy Morffew via Compfight
That is how Teacher found out that we really like
the ‘Minecraft’ version of Taio Cruz’s pop song Dynamite
and Katy Perry’s Firework‘
We also play the recorder
and give us the box of percussion instruments
and we couldn’t be happier.
2. Our Favourite Thing to do in class is learn:

Photo Credit: fly via Compfight
For example: JC says he would love to learn to say hello
and good bye in French and Russian and Chinese.
He would love to learn to have a conversation in Chinese and French.
He wonders who invented machines like the clock.
He would like to learn about space and gravity and the planets.
Cian says he would like to learn how to speak every language in the world.
And he would like to learn about different religions.
He would like to know how to fly a plan or a speedboat or
a car or a motor bike. Now that would be fun.
Jack S would like to learn how to talk in every language
and he would like to learn how to drive a truck and a car.
He would like to learn how to play baseball and Gaelic.
He would like to learn how to fly an aeroplane
or a jet or a boat or a speed boat or a motorbike.
He would like to learn how to bungee jump
or to jump out of a plane in a parachute.
He would like to learn how to draw a lion or a dog or a rhino.
He would like to know how do you grow a tree or a flower?
Obviously we won’t be learning all of those things in school.
But we are learning some of the skills that would be helpful
and we are learning how to learn.
3. Our Favourite Thing to learn about is The Animal Kingdom.
From the tiniest Irish Mammals; the pipstrelle bat and pygmy shrew
to the largest creature on this earth, the Blue Whale,

Photo Credit: Ken Bondy via Compfight
we love learning about The Animal Kingdom.
We learn about habits and habitat, diet and predators.
This week, Fiona the school’s Green School Co-ordinator
sent us the link to The Irish Whales&Dolphin Group
where we can search for local sightings.
4. Our Favourite Thing to do on a rainy day is Art.

Photo Credit: Mark Chadwick via Compfight
We really enjoyed Art this year.
We developed our skills and we learned
that there is no such thing as a mistake in Art.
We worked in 2D and 3D and we also did Digital Art.
We participated in Digital Art Week 2013
and learned how to use really interesting online tools like Scribbler
Isabella says:
“I draw sketches of trees and nature and stars.
I draw forest and waterfalls and icicles. It is great to do art.
You can make amazing things. I even go out at night to draw owls
and hedgehogs and foxes.“
5. Our Favourite Thing to do when we have
‘nothing to do’ is to go to our blog.

Photo Credit: hinderik via Compfight
Jack K says:
‘We can put our names into the search facility
and check back over the work we have done
during the year. We can practice our maths using
The School Hub’s Balloon Popping Game
We can click on Educational Websites
in the menu and check out activities
we enjoy like Draw a Stick Man‘
6. Our Favourite Place to go on a Friday at the end of a week’s work
is Mrs. Mooney’s Sweetshop.

Photo Credit: Cris via Compfight
Mrs. Mooney’s shop is right beside the school.
This magical shop is famous nationally and last year
we nominated it as the best shop in Ireland!
24 Reasons Why Mrs. Mooney’s shop is special on PhotoPeach
7.Our Favourite Thing to do on Saturday morning is sport.

Photo Credit: Marty Desilets via Compfight
There is a great deal of variety in the sports that the students
of 2nd Class Room 6 are involved in.
These include Gaelic Football, Hurling and Camogie, Rugby, Football,
Tennis, Taekwondo, Swimming, Horse Riding and Gymnastics.
Max wrote: ‘If I had a favourite thing it would be football
because I always wanted to be a footballer
and it is an exciting sport because
things can happen in football that you do not expect.
My favourite football team is Liverpool
and I supported Liverpool all my life
and I will never change that.
Alice says: ‘I love gymnastics.
I go to it every Saturday
and I do jumping and cart wheeling
and I do the crab’.
8. Our Favourite Treat is to go to the cinema.

Photo Credit: atomicjeep via Compfight
2nd class Room 6 often talk about the films that they go to at weekend.
Generally we will review them and give them a mark out of ten.
Usually we give the films we see full marks.
It is very rare that film is given a poor mark.
Movies we have enjoyed recently include ‘The Croods,’
‘Oz, Great and Powerful’ and ‘The Odd Life of Timothy Green’.
9. Our Favourite Present to receive is a book.

Photo Credit: Rick&Brenda Beerhorst via Compfight
For example as Niamh explains:
‘My favourite thing to do is read.
I like to read books written by Roald Dahl and Anne Fine
and Jenny Nimmo and Jill Tomlinson and Dick King Smith.
I have had a library card since I was three, because my nanny got me it.
I have loads of books at my house and I mostly read them at night.
I like to read non-fiction books more than fiction books‘.
And finally:
10. Our Favourite Thing in All the World is our family

Photo Credit: Darrell Wyatt via Compfight
Alice wrote:
My favourite thing in the world is my family.
Without my family I would not be here right now.
My Dad gives my family the money to live right now.
My Mum gives me food to live. My siblings play with me.
Without them I would be very lonely.
When my siblings are not here (very rarely) I play with my dog.
I love my family and they love me.
These are a few of our favourite things!