End of Year Round Up of the Numbers Associated With Our Blog

Christmas #27
Photo Credit: Kevin Dooley via Compfight

Well done, 2nd Class Room 6.

2011-12 was the first year of this blog.

In that year we had 1,000 visits to our blog.

This year we had approximately 13,000 more.

“Clustrmaps” shows us that

we have had 14,000 visits to our blog.


Today there are 411 posts in total on this blog.

During the first year of this blog there were 146 posts.

That is approximately twelve each month.

Since September we have had lots to say

and have added 308 posts to our blog.

That is approximately 25 each month.


In the first year we had 51 comments on our blog.

In the last ten months we had 624 more,

making a grand total of 675 comments.

Thank you for all your comments.


These are the digital tools and widgets we have used this year;

Animoto.com, Answergarden.ch, Answertips.com,

Audioboo.com, Clustermaps.com, Edublogs.org,

Fodey.com text and animation generator,

Flickr .com, htmlgoodies.com, Imagechef.com

Pageplugins.com, Photopeach.com, PollDaddy.com,

Prezi.com, Scoilnet.ie, Skydrive.live.com,

Shelfari.com, Storybird.com, Timetoast.com,

Twitter.com, Voki.com, Wall Wisher,

Webwise.ie, Wordle.net, Xat.com


Click here if you want to read more.


Teacher hopes you enjoyed your introduction to blogging

and will visit the blog even when you have moved on to another class.

We love to hear from you 🙂

2 thoughts on “End of Year Round Up of the Numbers Associated With Our Blog

  1. Hello 2nd grade room 6
    Thank you for saying that our blog was brilliant
    we like your blog too.
    Thank you for writing a post about us that was very nice of you. We might comment when the school holidays is over and in the school holidays.

    We will see you soon and comment we really like your blog it is AMAZING. We have learnt that you live in the Northen hemisphere and we live in the Southern hemisphere that means I am writing to you when you are asleep.

    from Grace in 1-2E

  2. Dear Grace,

    Thank you for your comment.
    Enjoy your school holidays.
    We heard that even though it is your winter,
    the weather is not too wintery.
    Your teacher will tell you that during our
    winters we can have frost, ice and snow.
    Talking to you through blogging
    has given us a better understanding of the
    Northern and Southern hemisphere
    and how we are asleep when you are at school.

    With every good wish.

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