Photo Credit: David via Compfight
When we blog we learn interesting things
about people and places all over the world.
We learned that New Zealand is ahead of us.
When it is Sunday evening here,
the students are back in school for Monday.
We learned when it is Winter in Ireland,
it is Summer in Australia.
Did you know that students in New Zealand
do not wear shoes in class.
This wonderful video is how we found out.
We also see how hard they work.
Thank you to Mr. Spice and his students in
Room Three, Aurora School,
Taranaki, New Zealand.
Have a look here.
It is amazing 🙂
If you want to know more about
students going barefoot in school
Izzy, Emily and Gemma
from Mr. Webb’s Room One
Aurora School made a short film
about it. You can see it here.