Every Week is Science Week!

We loved Science Week in 2nd Class Room 6.

Our enjoyment was much enhanced by

the entertaining Table Quiz

that was featured on Seomra Ranga.

Seomra Ranga’s Science Week Junior Quiz

We especially appreciated the Science Joke

at the end of each round that eased the competitive tension.


2nd Class Room 6 enjoy Science each and every week.

We are very lucky because we have large plastic boxes

available in the school full of all the equipment

we need to do science experiments.

There are boxes for each strand of the Science curriculum.


Energy & Forces,



Magnetism & Electricity

and Materials.


We like working scientifically.

We like the ‘scientific method.’

We are learning to think like a scientist.

Scientists ask questions.

They look at things carefully.

They predict what might happen.

(We come up with some pretty funny answers sometimes.)

Scientists investigate and experiment.

(This is our favourite bit!)



We know that safety is very important.

This is an important part of ‘thinking like a scientist’!

Some of the equipment we use in experiments is delicate.

Some of the equipment is made of glass, so we have to be careful.

We follow the instructions of the grown up who is helping us.

We don’t touch things we are not supposed to.

We don’t taste or smell stuff either.

That way we keep safe!

These are the rules for safety in Science that we learned:


Classroom Rules – Science

1. A responsible adult should always supervise.

2. Listen to all instructions and follow them carefully.

3. Do not eat or drink any substance

4. No shouting or messing around with anything or anyone.

5. Long hair should be tied back.

6. Eating and drinking in the laboratory is not allowed.

7. Ask questions if you are uncertain about anything.

8. When finished with your experiment tidy up carefully

9. You may need to wash your hands.


A Science Experiment is not a Magic Trick…

It’s better than that!

Despite the animation at the top of this post…

one of the comments that remains with Teacher

from the inservice days in science is that

it is important not to present science

as a series of ‘magic tricks’.

Teaching the children to ‘think like scientists

and to employ the ‘scientific method’ safeguards against this!