Story Writing in Senior Infants: Well Done Ben.

At the beginning of February Ben was writing good stories. 

Once upon a time there lived a giant,

who lived in a castle.

He was grumpy and was always busy.

One day this giant met a wizard.

They went fishing. They had a happy time.

By the end of the month he was writing great stories:

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Kima via Compfight

Once upon a time there lived a red deer

who lived in a forest.

He was wild

and was always ripping the leaves off the trees.

One day the deer met a clever fox.


Once upon a time there lived a grey mouse

who lived in a hole.

Once upon a time, there lived a red squirrel

who lived in a hole in a tree.


Once upon a time there lived

a black and white badger who lived in a forest.

One day this badger met a deer who lived in the forest as well,

but the badger lived in a bush.


Once upon a time there lived a brown rat

who lived in a rubbish dump.

One day this rat met a mouse who lived in a hole in a house.

He met a mouse who lived in a hole in a house.


Once upon a time there lived a clever fox.

He was so clever that he could jump and and grab a bird from the sky.

Keep up the good work Ben.

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