We finished reading ‘Emlyn’s Moon’ by Jenny Nimmo

Today in school we finished reading

a really great book.

It was called Emlyn’s Moon and is by

the wonderful writer Jenny Nimmo.

This book is the 2nd in a trilogy

(three book series).

We already read the first book in the series.

It was called ‘The Snow Spider’.

Both were challenging reads for 2nd class

but we really enjoyed them.

moon without bird
Photo Credit: Luz Adriana Villa via Compfight

Isabella thought that the book

had really good twists.

Clara said that she enjoyed the mystery.

Shauna loved the magic.  

Alice thought it was magical too,

and she always wanted to find out

what happened next.

Nicole said that this book would inspire her

to write better stories.

She could see a pattern in the plot

of happy parts, scary parts and twists.


If any of the boys and girls would like to watch

‘The Snow Spider’

or ‘Emlyn’s Moon

over the summer, just click on the title of the book above

for the ITV serialization on You Tube. A word to the wise;

Please monitor your child’s use of the internet. It is a

portal to an unedited outside world.


There are very useful summaries of these book

on these links; 

Click here for ‘The Snow Spider’

and here for ‘Emlyn’s Moon’


The themes in the third book in the series;

the excellent ‘The Chestnut Soldier’

are more suitable to an older child. (10+)




‘Emlyn’s Moon’ by Jenny Nimmo

We finished reading ‘The Snow Spider’ by Jenny Nimmo.

Certainly it was challenging for 2nd class to read as a class novel.

But we were drawn into Jenny Nimmo’s magical world.

So much so, we are continuing with the next book in the trilogy;

‘Emlyn’s Moon’.

But this time we listen to Teacher reading.

The discussions these books are generating are very interesting.

The children are having great fun predicting what may happen next.

To follow up we can see how it was adapted for ITV.

Link to view Emlyn’s Moon Part One

Once again I would remind parents not to let their children watch You Tube unsupervised.

The internet is a wonderful gift, but it has the potential to be Pandora’s Box.