A Prayer Service for Lent

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

This year Ash Wednesday is on 18th February.

Photo Credit: jezobeljones via Compfight

Good morning & welcome to this prayer service for Lent.

Jesus came to bring Good News

to help us to know God Our Father’s love for us.

Jesus loves us.

Jesus loves us so much He was prepared to give up his own life.

That is GREAT love.

We are going to sing a song about Jesus our brother and our friend.

Song: Jesus I love you and I know that you love me too.

Now we are going to bless ourselves,

the three ways we know how:

Sign of the Cross x3

1. In the name of the Father…

2. As Gaeilge

3. The special way we say it here:

God came down from heaven to earth,

To remind us to love everyone on this side

and this side

And not to forget ourselves.


Candle Prayer; ‘Chase away the darkness.

Fill the world with light,

be a little candle flame and shine out bright’.

Song; This little light of mine

Why do we light a candle?

To remind us God our Father in Heaven is always with us.

We know a song about that…

If I go climbing…

And it is time to say Good Morning to our Father in Heaven.

Father in Heaven, you love me.

You are with me night and day.

I want to love you always

in all I do and say.

I’ll try to praise you Father,

Please help me during the day.


I’ll try to please you Father.

That is not easy.

But if we are truly sorry in our hearts,

then our Father in Heaven will always forgive us.

So let’s say sorry to God

O my God I thank you for loving me.

I am sorry for all my sins,

for not loving others and not loving you.

Help me to live like Jesus and not sin again.


Let us ask God in song to forgive us

if there were times we have not shown love

and help us be good

Song: Forgive and Forget

Repeat after me…

Father in Heaven I give you this day,

All that I think & do & say.

Fill me with love & make me strong.

With you by my side I won’t go wrong

God our Father in Heaven will make us strong.

God our Father in Heaven is strong.

There’s nothing that he cannot do.

And now it is time to say thanks to God

God our Father I come to say,

thank you for your love today.

Thank you for my family

and all the friends you give to me.

Guard me in the dark of night

and in the morning, please send your light. Amen.

And now we are going to sing our thanks to God;

‘If I were a butterfly’

When we were saying our sorry prayer we said;

‘Help me to live like Jesus’.

Jesus is our brother,

our friend and our teacher

This time in the Church’s Year is Lent.

Lent is a time for getting ready for Easter.

At Easter we celebrate when Jesus came back to life.

Easter is a time when we celebrate New Life.

Spring is here now and it is a great time for New Life

Green buds appear on the trees

The spring flowers start to grow

Baby lambs are born

Frogspawn turn into ……………………..tadpoles.

Tadpoles turn into ………………………..frogs.

Caterpillars turn into ……………………butterflies

(Take out pot, potting compost and seeds.)

God through your goodness we have these little seeds to plant.

God we ask you to care for these flower seeds and help them to grow.

God with the work of our hands we have planted these seeds.

Keep these seeds safe.

Watch over them in the dark earth of the pot,

until they grow into beautiful flowers. Amen

Song: The Flowers of the Field

Now try this one; The little seeds are now fast asleep safe in the earth they lie

The children have covered them over and said little brown seeds goodbye

The seeds are asleep, but the sunshine and rain will help them wake up to new life again

New Life is Good News, so we are going to finish up with a happy song;

Final Hymn: I’ve got that Joy, joy, joy

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