#eddies13 – Edublog Awards 2013: Full & final results


Congratulations to all the worthy winners and runners up in the 2013 Edublog Awards. The full and final results are on this link:
Edublog Awards 2013 

We were very happy to be finalists and to come fifth in our category (Best Class Blog). Thank you to everyone who voted for us. We learned a lot by visiting the other class blogs and we made new friends in other parts of the world. We love our colourful finalists’ badge which is a great reminder of this rewarding experience.

We would also like to thank those at Edublogs who made the Edublog Awards happen.

2 thoughts on “#eddies13 – Edublog Awards 2013: Full & final results

  1. Congratulations on the success of your blog! I love the way you share your class projects in interesting, thought-provoking ways. Too many classroom blogs are not very interesting to read. I stumbled across yours on Comments4Kids, and I can’t stop reading it!

    I am going to be starting a blog with the students in my after-school program soon. Do you have any advice for us to help us make our blog as enjoyable as yours?

  2. Thanks for your kind comment, Ms.Katie.

    We love blogging. We learn a lot from visiting other class blogs. From what we can see, having lots of variety makes a blog more interesting. A blog where there is a mix of art and music, language and maths, history and science means most people will find something to interest them.

    Teachers have their plans and objectives to follow, but following the students’ interests to develop their language and understanding makes things interesting. For example when Colonel Chris Hadfield was on the International Space Station, we found that very interesting. We were studying ladybirds also at that time. Suddenly we made a connection between the two, and came up with a post called: ‘What does Colonel Hadfield and a ladybird have in common’?

    We like to make out titles interesting, but sometimes we think the fairest thing to do is use titles that say exactly what is in the post. That way we don’t waste any visitor’s time.

    So we think you will have a very successful blog as it will reflect the talents and interests of your students. Do send us the link when you are up and running and we will visit and leave a comment too,

    With every good wish

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