Being Green – I can make a difference!

What gives the planet earth
its energy?

The Sun.
Plants get their energy
from the sun.

Hollie drew this!

Animals eat these plants.

I eat plant and animal food,

Like chips and chicken nuggets!

Food gives me energy to run around and play.


Some energy is renewable

The energy of the sun and the wind is renewable.

I didn’t know what this word meant when I heard it first.

Now I know that renewable energy

can be used again and again

and again and again

and again

and again …


Some energy is non-renewable

The energy from fossil fuels is non-renewable.

Coal and oil and turf burn up and cannot be used again.


The Wind is a renewable energy

Wind power can generate electricity.

Wind can dry clothes.

I can help Mum or Dad put the clothes on the line.

I can make a difference!


A windmill takes the energy from the wind.

A wind turbine will take the energy from the wind

and turns it into electricity.

Sailing boats get their energy from the wind too.

Renewable energy like the sun and the wind will last

much much much much much much much

longer than non renewable energy such as coal and oil and turf.


What uses electricity in my house?

The radio clock alarm that wakes me up.

The electric lights.

The immersion that heats the water for a shower or bath.

The kettle that heats the water for tea or coffee.

The microwave.

The cooker.

The fridge.

The heater.

The television.

The radio.

The CD player.

The washing machine.

The spin dryer.


Where would I find a lagging jacket?

On the immersion tank that heats hot water.

I can remind the grown ups in my house

to get a lagging jacket.

I can make a difference!


Where would I find insulation

in a house?

In the attic, under the roof.

I can make a difference!

I can remind the grown ups in my house

to insulate the attic.

You can buy sheeps wool to insulate the attic.


Where would I find double glazing in my house?

In the windows and doors.

When the heating is on in the house,

heat can escape through ordinary windows and doors

and through a roof with no insulation.


I can make a difference!

I can shut doors and draw the curtains early to keep the heat in.


I can check if any furniture is blocking the heaters.

Taking a shower uses less energy than taking a bath.


I can take a shower instead of a bath.

I can make a difference.


If you are using the washing machine,

it should be full of clothes.

You shouldn’t put on the washing machine

to wash one pair of socks.

I don’t do the washing yet

but I can remind the grown ups in my house

and I can make a difference!


Wordle: Untitled

If you are making a cup of tea

you should boil about a cup

of water instead of

a full kettle of water.

Boiling a full kettle of water wastes energy and money.

I don’t make tea yet but I can remind the grown ups

in my house

and I can make a difference!


Wasting water is wasting energy

I can make a difference!

I won’t let the tap run when I am washing my teeth.


I can remind any little people in my house about this too.

I can make a difference!


If I am a little cold in my house,

I am better to put on extra clothes

Saving energy saves money.

Saving energy in my house

will mean our

electricity bill will be lower.


I can make a difference!


We can use the money for more interesting things!

That will make a difference!


Walking to school,  if I can

is better than travelling by car.

I can make a difference!


Walking to school or

cycling my bicycle

Taking the bus

is better than travelling by car.


I can make a difference!


What could I recycle that I usually throw away?

A plastic bottle –

I could use one for my drink for lunch again and again.

I could turn the plastic bottle into a musical instrument.

If I add rice or pasta to the bottle, I could turn it into a percussion shaker.


I can make a difference!


What can I put in

the compost bin?

Fruit peels,

vegetable peels,

pencil paring.

Any thing that will rot.


I can make a difference!


Reusing plastic bags

saves energy.


I can make a difference!


I can remind Mum to bring shopping bags

to the supermarket.


Let’s make the difference.

Jack drew this 🙂

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