Memories of Magical Island by Taya

Once upon a spooky time …

Once upon a spooky time there lived twenty baby dragons in a Dragon Crèche

Their names were
Violet, Rex, Rocky, Flare,
Fire, Banana, Coco, Coconut,
Honey, Fireball, Ruby, Rubbie,
Pearl, Hansen, Rexy, Roxy,
Moxy, Nick, Husky,

Hold on that is only nineteen… There is one more …


There were five girl dragons and fifteen boy dragons.
The girls had rainbow wings with sparkling diamonds on them.
The boys had wings that glowed green in the dark.
They lived in a place where it was always night.
The moon was a hard rocky moon and the sky was a starry sky.

Violet loses her sparkle

Violet lost her diamonds.
She stopped sparkling.
All the dragons wanted to help her and all of them went looking for them.

Violet, Rex, Rocky, Flare,
Fire, Banana, Coco, Coconut,
Honey, Fireball, Ruby, Rubbie,
Pearl, Hansen, Rexy, Roxy,
Moxy, Nick, Husky,

Hold on that is only nineteen… There is one more. That’s right …


They lived in a place where it was always night. The moon was a hard rocky moon and the sky was a starry sky.

Violet sparkles again

Volcano found the bad dragon’s treasure and amongst it he found the diamonds.
Violet was very happy. And so were

Rex, Rocky, Flare,
Fire, Banana, Coco, Coconut,
Honey, Fireball, Ruby, Rubbie,
Pearl, Hansen, Rexy, Roxy,
Moxy, Nick, Husky, Volcano.

Yes that is twenty dragons but here is one more …

A baby dragon. What shall we call her?

Twenty one beautiful dragons lived in a strange place where it was always night.
There were six girl dragons and fifteen boy dragons.
The girls had rainbow wings with sparkling diamonds on them.
The boys had wings that glowed green in the dark.
The moon was a hard rocky moon and the sky was a starry sky.

These are my memories of Magical Island.

Wordle: Untitled

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